
Hire the best without bias.

Aspectant is a fully-blinded technical hiring platform. Employers can avoid bias and hire the strongest candidates based on work-sample tests using our fully simulated work environment.

The Aspectant Process

  1. Create work-sample challenges based on our simulated work environment platform. The platform includes Git repositories, bug tracking, and simulated deployment environments, enabling you to create tasks that reflect real-world developer skills.

  2. Create scoring rubrics for your challenges. Challenges can be scored automatically via tests where it is possible, and human scoring criteria can be developed for the rest.

  3. List your open positions and assign challenges to them. Candidates will be visible to you as codenames as they apply and complete challenges.

  4. Hire from a diverse pool of candidates with proven relevant skills!


Aspectant is in development and will launch in May 2020. If you would like to be informed when this happens, and stay abreast of the latest news and research in technical hiring, please feel free to subscribe to our mailing list.